
Study of literature by (faqeer) spiritually excellent friends of Allah invokes wisdom and insight within human beings inner, with that depth and broadness ensues in reader’s (iman) belief as well as access to wisdom and recognition of monotheism. Any book or journal by Sultan ul Arifeen Hadrat Sultan Bahoo (Allah Bless His Soul) invokes ability of attainment of objective within the reader.

January 4, 2020
Quest for non-available books of Hadrat Sultan Bahoo (R.A)

Quest for non-available books of Hadrat Sultan Bahoo (R.A)

Presently, Hadrat Sultan Bahoo’s (Allah Bless His Soul) one book in the Lonehdi language (origin of Punjabi, Seraiki and Hindko languages) and thirty books in the Persian language are available, whereas, according to popular tradition, he authored around one hundred and forty books...