What should a Sufi be like?

What sould a Sufi be Like

In the light of the biography of Ghaus-ul-Azam (R.A)

Written By: Sahibzada Sultan Ahmad Ali

Alas! This is our greatest tragedy that only one aspect is highlighted in the greatness of Hazrat Ghaus-ul-Azam Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani (May God blesses him) and that too only up to his (May God blesses him) miracle. His (May God blesses him) personality has been limited.

There is no Doubt and suspicion that from Shah Waliullah Muhaddith Dehlavi to Ibn Hajar Asqalani and even before him, hundreds of reliable Imams have rightly called Hazoor Peeran-e- peer miracles true. We have never considered all the other aspects of the Holy Essence of Hazrat Ghaus Pak (May Allah be pleased with him) - although there are many attributes and perfections besides the chain of virtues of him (May Allah be pleased with him).

If you want to see the scholarly attributes, we can divide your scholarly attributes into four parts and take a look at what is the position of you (May God blesses him).

  1. The jurisprudential position of you (May God blesses him)
  2. Your place in Qur'anic exegesis (May God blesses him)
  3. Your position in the science of hadith (May God blesses him)
  4. Interest of training children

Remember that your (May God blesses him) knowledge of Sufism and spirituality, Faqr and wilayah, knowledge of ethics, eloquence and rhetoric, poetry and literature and other arts such as theology, logic, philosophy and wisdom are in addition to this in view of abbreviation, only the first four perfections mentioned above will be reviewed here.

The jurisprudential position of Ghaus-e-Pak (May Allah be pleased with him): Imam Dhahabi (1) with reference to Imam Al-Samani (2) has written in “Siyar Al-Alam Al-Nubala” that:

“Abdul-Qadir al-Jilani was the Imam of Hanbali jurisprudence and (the greatest) Shaykh of his time” - [Sir Ilam al-Nubla]

In jurisprudence, he (May God blesses him) has become one of the greatest students, for example: Ibn Qudama Al-Maqdisi, Abdullah Al-Jabai, Abu Al-Fatah Ibn Al-Muni (after the demise of Hazrat Ghaus Pak, Abu Al-Fatah Ibn Al-Muni became the Imam of the Hanbalis).

The place of Ghaus Pak (May God be pleased with him) in the commentary of the Qur'an:

The Qur'anic commentaries on him (May God be pleased with him) describe such events and details that a person's intellect is astonished - for example, once the great scholars of Baghdad sat in his (May God be pleased with him) sermon. He (May God be Pleased with him) started giving explanatory explanations on a blessed verse. The scholars of Baghdad were familiar with eleven (11) interpretations, after which everyone's knowledge was restricted. He (May God be pleased with him) recited that verse. Present forty interpretations (along with the narrators) and in each interpretation there would be a state of tenderness and weeping on the members of the Majlis. When he (Qads Allah Surah) mentioned the complete forty interpretations of this one verse he said that now we Coming to the present from the words of the verse, the members of the Majlis were in a state of insanity due to the intensity of weeping and ecstasy.

He (قَدَّسَ اللہ سرہٗ) has written two commentaries on the Holy Qur'an.

  • Tafsir Musk Al-Khatam
  • Tafsir al-Jilani (Tafsir al-Jilani consists of six volumes)

The place of Ghaus-e-Pak (may Allah be pleased with him) in the science of hadith:

In the Holy Hadith, his (May God be pleased with him) position has never been mentioned in his (May God be pleased with him) disciples of India and Pakistan

Imam Suyuti (R.A) in "Tabqat Al-Hifaz", Imam Dhahabi (R.A) in "Tazkira Al-Hifaz" and Muhammad bin Yahya Al-Tazafi in "Qalaid Al-Jawahir" wrote him (May God be pleased with him) "Hafiz -ul-Hadith”. For the information of the general public, let me ask that the “Hafiz-ul-Hadith” is the one who remembers at least one hundred thousand hadiths with full details of texts, evidences and narrators, jurisprudence and revision and history - Imam Dhahabi (R.A) Has counted Hazrat Ghaus-ul-Thaqalin (May God bless him and grant him peace) in “Al-Mu'in Fi Tabaqat Al-Muhaddithin” (at No.1822) in the Shaykhs of Hadith of 6 AH - Imam Ibn Rajab Hanbali (R.A) in “Lower Class of Hanbalis” and Imam Dhahabi (R.A) has narrated a large number of Shaykhs who have narrated hadith from him (May God be pleased with him) in “Siyar Al-Alam Al-Nubala”.

(2) Interest of training children:

This is also an aspect of his (May God be pleased with him) personality, which by attributing its relation to you (May God be pleased with him), makes us think that we do not have this duty? The second important point is that the children of you (Qads Allah Sirah) are such Sufis who were prepared directly from the gaze of Ghous-ul-Azam (Qads Allah Sirah), a glimpse of their lives will give us an idea that who is the true Sufi in the eyes of Hazrat Ghaus Pak (قَدَّسَ اللہ سرہ)? and what should a Sufi be like?

Eight out of ten princes of Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani (May God bless him and grant him peace) became jurists, muhaddiths, teachers, mujahids and faqirs. Jihad for the Conquest of Jerusalem - Sayyid Abdul Wahab bin Abdul Qadir (May God bless him and grant him peace) took the position of preaching, fatwa and teaching of his father - Sayyid Shaykh Abdul Razzaq (May God bless him and grant him peace) was also appointed by Imam Dhahabi (R.A). He has written “Hafiz” in “Siyar Al-Alam Al-Nubala” and in “Al-Mu'in Fi Tabaqat Al-Muhaddithin” (at 1994 publication) he has been counted among the Shaykhs of Hadith of 25 AH, while his son Al-Imad Nasr (may God bless him and grant him peace) Ibn 'Abd al-Razzaq ibn' Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani (may God bless him and grant him peace) is also counted among the great hadith scholars of Baghdad.

Here is a brief glimpse of the scholarly bounty of Sheikh Abdul Qadir Al-Jilani (may God bless him and grant him peace) that leaves us no doubt as to what a Sufi should be like according to the practice of the founder of the Qadriyya method - circus installation, the ones who rub the bhangs and the bhangras of the mullahs, the ones who mix men and women under the pretext of pilgrimage, the dog fights in the ceremonies held in the name of the anniversaries of the great Sufis and other such cruel games how may called good Sufis?.

What relation they have with sufisim pracices? It is a pity that the traditional Sufi, Peri and Muridi practices that are prevalent in our society today are far away (have no connection) from Sufis and Sufism - because in fact the Sufi, Pir, Murshid is the one whose extrenal and internal May the Holy Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH) be practical implemented.

(Note: This is a brief excerpt from the description of Sahibzada Sultan Ahmad Ali's recent speech during the Milad-e-Mustafa and Haq-e-Bahu Conference in Jhang City, Feburary 2017)
